I saw a full moon through the darkly purple boughs and heavy greens of an oak deep in the Valley of Dulcinea.
Consider for a moment your interior world. Your ongoing thoughts, dreams, feelings, and imagination. Consider all the things you love that you cannot express in words. That certain way of standing that feels comfortable to you. The overwhelming feelings that flood your soul, whether you want them to or not. The joy that bubbles up and the anger that seizes you. The personal ways you care for your body and soul and the things you will never tell another person.
How can we escape the truth that our inner worlds are at least as important as our relationships with people and places and things that exist outside of us?
Welcome to the La Mancha Arcana, a selection of more mysterious writings that I hope will allow my inner world to connect with yours in some way. If these writings make sense to you, we may be on a similar path or in a similar season of life.
If not, don’t worry. Read away and imagine what it is like to be me.
Proceed, pilgrim.
Do I believe that when I become quiet in my soul and sit long enough in the Valley that the modern world falls away from me, I can hear the ancient echo of drums, a sound not heard in this valley for a hundred and fifty years?
I captured a dark moth tonight as he thrashed about the globes of my lamp. He was the darkest purple there is, the last color on the spectrum before the whole thing falls into black. Within my cupped hands I felt the powdery softness of his abdomen as his velvet body rubbed against my fingers.